어학15 [OPIC] 2.회사에서 하는일 Q) Can you tell me about your typical day at work? Please tell me about your daily routine at work from start to end. A) I get up at six in the morning to go to work First, I turn on the computer and to check What to do today Second, I drink coffee and to check my email And I reply to the email After that I check the server and system status. Sometime when I get a call, I answer the question I a.. 2021. 11. 16. [OPIC] 2. 회사소개 2. 회사소개 My company is OOOOO. It is located in Pusan And it was established in 1974. My company create product PTA It makes fiber and plastic. There are 400 employees. I have worked at this company for 00 years. My work is interesting, and I get along well with my coworkers. So I am very satisfied. That's all 2021. 10. 19. [OPIC] 1. 자기소개 1. 자기소개 질문) let’s start the interview now. Tell me about yourself. A1) *패턴: 이름>나이>결혼>직종>직장명>위치>근속년수>직급>부서>보통하는 일>만족>가족>가족별소개>성격>여가>미래포부 Hello. My name is 000. I’m 00 year old. I’m an office worker. My company is 00000. It is located in Pusan. I have worked here for 00 years. I am manager in the 0000 Team. I usually to program development and Server maintenance. I like my job very much. I’m marri.. 2021. 10. 18. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음