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DAY3 단어장 No 뜻 현재형 과거형 과거분사형 1 켜지다 light lit lit 2 잃다 lose lost lost 3 만들다 make made made 4 의미하다 mean meant meant 5 만나다 meet met met 6 실수하다 mistake mistook mistook 7 지나가다 pass passed passed 8 지불하다 pay paid paid 9 놓다 put put put 10 읽다 read read read 11 타다 ride rode ridden 12 올리다 ring rang rung 13 오르다 rise rose risen 14 달리다 run ran run 15 말하다 say said said 16 보다 see saw seen 17 찾다 seek sought sought 18 팔다 s.. 2021. 12. 10.
Day1 단어장 No 단어 뜻 1 challenge 도전, 도전하다 2 overweight 너무쌀진, 과체중의 3 human 인간의 4 though 비록 이지만 5 idle 한가한, 게으른 6 better 더 좋은, 더욱 잘 7 supper 저녁식사 8 histroy 역사 9 since ~이후로 10 mend 고치다, 수리하다 11 quarrel 싸움 12 save 구하다, 절약하다,저장하다 13 yet 아직않다,벌써 14 praise 칭찬하다, 칭찬 15 express 표현하다 16 sharp 날카로운 17 firewood 장작,땔깜 18 heaven 하늘,천국 19 solve 풀다, 해결하다 20 proud 자랑스러운, 거만한 21 rush 서두르다, 돌진하다 22 envy 부러워하다, 시기, 부러움 23 dig 파.. 2021. 12. 8.
[OPIC] 2.부서, 직무 #2 Where is your office? Can you describe the inside? My company is 000. My office is located in Ulsan, one of the industrial complexes in Ulsan Ulsan is the industrial capital. There are many factories, big and big. My office desk is next to the window. I can see a garden and a factory outside the window. And there are desks, chairs, and book shelves in my office There is a PC repair room and Serv.. 2021. 12. 2.
[OPIC] 2.부서, 직무 #1 I am a manager in the IS Team. My responsibilities include server maintenance. I manager about 00 server in my company. When I have problem on the server, I replace the equipment Part When the server is good operation, I feel proud That’s all. 2021. 12. 1.