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전체 글164

[OPIC] 2.부서, 직무 #1 I am a manager in the IS Team. My responsibilities include server maintenance. I manager about 00 server in my company. When I have problem on the server, I replace the equipment Part When the server is good operation, I feel proud That’s all. 2021. 12. 1.
npm start 에러 및 해결방법 ERR! errno 3221225477 1.node.js 최신버전으로 재설치 v17.1.0 1.1.오류화면 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 3221225477 npm ERR! versioncenter@0.0.1 start: `node ./bin/www` npm ERR! Exit status 3221225477 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the versioncenter@0.0.1 start script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ER.. 2021. 11. 18.
[OPIC] 2.회사에서 하는일 Q) Can you tell me about your typical day at work? Please tell me about your daily routine at work from start to end. A) I get up at six in the morning to go to work First, I turn on the computer and to check What to do today Second, I drink coffee and to check my email And I reply to the email After that I check the server and system status. Sometime when I get a call, I answer the question I a.. 2021. 11. 16.
[OPIC] 2. 회사소개 2. 회사소개 My company is OOOOO. It is located in Pusan And it was established in 1974. My company create product PTA It makes fiber and plastic. There are 400 employees. I have worked at this company for 00 years. My work is interesting, and I get along well with my coworkers. So I am very satisfied. That's all 2021. 10. 19.